segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009

This could get messy

Recently I’ve realized: Takes a long time I don’t drop a single tear.

I wish I could know why, but it is something not even my soul has the ability to explain. I thought crying for love would happen again with me but besides I’ve been trying desperately doing that the bloody tear doesn’t come, I feel like Cameron Dias, wondering fucking deeply, but the truth is: I can’t

You know when you put that record on, when you here Bono’s voice, singing ONE, I used to be the music’s person, I used to be human, I used to express myself totally, but now I can’t help myself. I guess having somebody depending on me all this time (emotionally) has turned me into somebody different, somebody who only will shed a tear when there’s nothing left to be done!

That’s all for today