segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2009

This could get messy

Recently I’ve realized: Takes a long time I don’t drop a single tear.

I wish I could know why, but it is something not even my soul has the ability to explain. I thought crying for love would happen again with me but besides I’ve been trying desperately doing that the bloody tear doesn’t come, I feel like Cameron Dias, wondering fucking deeply, but the truth is: I can’t

You know when you put that record on, when you here Bono’s voice, singing ONE, I used to be the music’s person, I used to be human, I used to express myself totally, but now I can’t help myself. I guess having somebody depending on me all this time (emotionally) has turned me into somebody different, somebody who only will shed a tear when there’s nothing left to be done!

That’s all for today

terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009

I don't need no one to tell me about heaven

Hell... so once again i get myself appreciating photos from a past I don’t belong at all.

You were part of me, I was part of you, but now we barely talk, we barely know about each other.

That’s the truth: we used to be one, than I screw up everything, I miss you more than everything.

I have my boyfriend by my side every single night, I pretend living a perfect life, but is for you my heart still beating. Shit…

It hurts, it’s painful, makes me feel breathless yet…

I wish you were here

I wish you were him

I wish I had never left… I have no idea how to make this come true… just feel like crying today….

3 words, 7 letters and I am yours

Just because I remembered:

Heaven – LIVE

I don't need no one to tell me about heaven
I look at my daughter, and I believe.
I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sunset and I perceive


Ma: this music means a lot, but I had forgotten… I desired to cry, you made it!

quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009


There’s nothing better than a good change. Actually, there’s nothing better than have to change.

Nowadays there are a few people who really “live”, they “survive” instead. And the crucial point is: Do they want to change?

Well I’ve been changing a lot since I decided to live, and I am 100% sure that “changing” is the secret of living, I base my theory on the fact that everything is in motion and once it’s happening, the choice of keeping yourself stuck at same place for long time is inexistent, firstly because as much as you do it as smaller your knowledge gets, besides it: come on, how many places are you able to go when you stay at the same position you are?, how many people are you able to meet?, how far can you go once you have the same boss giving you no support or even putting you down? There’s a lot to think, don’t you think?

Going further in the same subject we get to the relationship point. How many people do you know who keeps a relationship due to convenience, or due to being afraid of being alone for a while? Consequently they get nothing, they grow nothing…for me life is a box full of surprises, those surprises make feel fulfilled, make breath deeply and show me that I am ok with somebody and I can be ok alone also. Some people are far to understand this.

Due to frightening people have this trauma to change, can we judge them? Can we say we will never be like them, or fell the same way they feel? The answer is always changing…Anyway.

Statement: Never give up, never surrender.

"Assim como as estações, as pessoas têm a habilidade de mudar. Não acontece com freqüência, mas quando acontece, é sempre para o bem. Algumas vezes leva o quebrado a se tornar inteiro de novo. Às vezes é preciso abrir as portas para novas pessoas e deixá-las entrar. Na maioria das vezes, é preciso apenas uma pessoa que tenha pavor de demonstrar o que sente para conseguir o que jamais achou possível. E algumas coisas nunca mudam. E que comece o novo jogo."

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009

Try it!

Quem é que nunca teve um Marcelo, um Paulo, um Roberto, um João ou um José na vida? Pode ser uma Kátia, uma Ana, uma Patrícia ou uma Aline...
Paquerar é bom, mas chega uma hora que cansa... Cansa na hora que você percebe que ter 10 pessoas ao mesmo tempo é o mesmo que não ter nenhuma, e ter apenas uma, é o mesmo que possuir 10 ao mesmo tempo!
A "fila" anda, a coleção de "figurinhas" cresce, a conta de telefone é sempre altíssima. Mas e aí? O que isso te acrescenta? Nessas horas sempre surge aquela tradicional perguntinha: Por que aquela pessoa pela qual você trocaria qualquer programa por um simples filme com pipoca abraçadinho no sofá da sala, não despenca logo na sua vida?!
Se o tal "amor" é impontual e imprevisível que se dane!
Não adianta: as pessoas são impacientes... São e sempre vão ser! Tem gente que diz que não é... "Eu não sou ansioso, as coisas acontecem quando tem que acontecer."
Mentira! Por dentro todo ser humano é igual: impaciente, sonhador. iludido...
Jura de pé junto que não, mas vive sempre em busca da
famosa cara metade! Pode dar o nome que quiser: amor, alma gêmea, par perfeito, a outra metade da laranja, a tampa da panela.... No fim dá tudo no mesmo.
Pode soar brega, cafona... Mas é a realidade.
Inclusive o assunto "amor" é sempre cafonérrimo.
Acredito que o status de cafona surgiu porque a grande maioria das pessoas nunca teve a oportunidade de viver um grande amor.
Por mais que você não admita: - Você ficou triste porque o
Leonardo Di Caprio morreu em "Titanic" e ficou feliz porque a Julia Roberts e o Richard Gere acabaram juntos em "Uma Linda Mulher"...
Existe pelo menos uma música sertaneja ou um "pagodinho" que te deixe com dor de cotovelo... Você já se viu cantando o mantra "Toca telefone toca" em alguma das sextas-feiras de sua vida, ou qualquer outro dia que seja... Você já enfiou os pés pelas mãos alguma vez na vida e se atirou de cabeça numa "relação" sem nem perceber que você mal conhecia a outra pessoa e que com este seu jeito de agir ela te acharia um tremendo louco... Você, assim como nos contos de fada, sonha em escutar um dia o tal "E foram felizes para sempre"
Bem, preciso continuar? Ok, acho que não...
Negue o quanto quiser, mas sei que já passou por isso, e se não passou, não sabe o quanto esta perdendo....

Experimente ser amado...

sábado, 12 de setembro de 2009

Once upon a time ...

4 pessoas totalmente diferente se encontram…BUM… a merda foi feita.

Renata Penna: o próprio nome já diz tudo, descendente da família das galináceas, mãe maravilhosa de três filhos, arrasa na balada. Simplesmente uma das pessoas mais problemática e louca que já conheci até hoje, amiga de sarjeta, coração lindo… enfim, alguém que com certeza vomitara presunto em seu aniversario.

Marina Catrina: um furacão! Uma das melhores amigas que já tive, arrasa no bar, homem nenhum consegue batê-la, companheira de insônia, brother pra cacete. Alguém que vale ter ao lado, alguns defeitos, claro… mas ninguém perfeito.

Lu Gatti: Não, não vem da família dos felinos!! Quem o dera! Amigo do coração, extremamente irritante, uma noite esta no Brasil, na outra na Argentina, amante fiel dos taxis da grande metrópole, culto, refinado, e dorme na balada.

Du: eu! Bom, não existe definição para mim, deixarei que meus próprios amigos o façam, mas só pra simplificar, o melhor que cada um pode ter!

Enfim, dessa união maluca surgiu um grupo de amigos totalmente fora dos padrões. Lagrimas, risos, brigas, lanches noturnos, insônia coletiva e divórcios, entretanto a vida vai passando e cada dia mais nossas relações se estreitando, e é essa a beleza que eu vejo, pessoas que certamente tem um ótimo colo pra oferecer uns aos outros ao meu lado, amigos que quero levar pra vida, pessoas que quero ter ao lado nos mais felizes momentos!

Internas do dia:


É percebesse a preocupação de cada um, e como estamos sincronizados!

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

Back to the school!

Remember those bloody days at school, when we had to copy things from the board and put up with boring teacher, and we knew that we’d never use nothing they were teaching during our lives? Well let’s check some points.

Among all the things I learnt one of them I most like are the Newton’s 3 laws.

Lets talk a little about it in our routine:


An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Obviously we might call “unbalanced force” anything, what is awesome cause we might have a friend who sees us stopped, or even worst, going down like to an endless edge, and so we are saved cause this friend´s strength might change somebody’s life. We are not “objects” as Newton’s statements, but most of the time we act like being. We could use the same statement negatively now, imagine the following situation:

Workplace, people full of their boss, not earning money, totally unhappy. All the things would stay the same, God knows until when, if a person wouldn’t appear and say: Enough, Fuck you guy, I want you to be out of here.

Well, conclusion: Newton was right at first.


The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Ok, I know too much for too little! Translation, if you are going down and you permit yourself being embraced by somebody’s energy or strength you tend to follow this person’s direction. So you’d better grasp in your friends and leave the depression. That’s what we do we base our success on each other, so we should be well succeed now, right? Almost right, the only thing we need to remember is that if we have somebody into the group who put us down we might be embraced by this person to, so solution:

- kill this person (petty, but no),

- changing the group ( do we want?),

- changing this person mind ( does it happen in Uberlandia?)

- getting back to a time when we were happy (too obvious)

Well, conclusion: Newton was right again.

Third: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This is my favorite, it’s something like: if you really want to go into a war, be ready. We are all calm, relaxed, we live like in a “peace and love” community (obviously we accept some facilities and warm shower, there’s nothing better than delivery and internet access) but once we are nudged by an different force we just have an amazing behavior we get together all the pieces of the group and we fight together.

So this is the only part I disagree with Newton, maybe because he should be so genius that he might not have had friends at that time, well whatever. I’d write:

For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction from all the friends!

Well that’s it, all in all I disliked Newton that time, and what is sadder, I keep my mind about him, but there’s something I can’t deny…: he as write, don’t you think?

Well babies, hope you to have a great day. Full of pink brightening light…


Upendi we go!

Decisões em uma mesa de bar!


Boa Tarde!

A Queers and Half-Dykes on Their Way to Hell (QHDTWH) Tours tem o prazer de informar seu itinerário para o pacote: “Viagem dos sonhos do quarteto fantástico”!

Ao som de muito trash, drag music, rock’n'roll e um pouquinho de britney (pra deixar o Timão feliz), vocês seguirão esta programação:

Dia 11/07/2009

15h00 - Na Maria Mercedes turbinada, enlouquecida e já fedendo a cigarro: saída de São Paulo com destino a UPENDI.
16h00 - Chegada a UPENDI com parada no boteco mais fino e badalado da cidade pra começar a chocar as bichas locais de uma vez com a beleza metropolitana paulistana!
18h00 - Saída do bar, Check-in no único hotel 3 estrelas e meia da localidade (O melhor de UPENDI) e soneca pra passar a bebedeira.
*Recomenda-se o início da administração de doses cavalares de ENGOV neste momento da jornada. A QHDTWH Tours não mantém nenhum vínculo com os fabricantes e distribuidores do medicamento anteriormente citado, mas aconselha seu uso para redução do efeito dos entorpecentes que certamente serão ingeridos por seus clientes, garantindo seu bem estar e o sucesso de sua viagem.
21h00 - ESQUENTA (com banho), realizado no quarto-balada do hotel em que os cliente se encontram hospedados (Open-bar de tequila e vodca com energético).

Dia 12/07/2009

00h00 - BALADA! Muito fervo, pegação, vuco-vuco e bate-cabelo de uma forma que os UPENDIENSES jamais viram.
05h00 - Saída do nightclub para a prestação de serviços. Horário livre, faz-se questão que os membros da excursão se separem para realizar seus atendimentos.
*Fica a critério de cada cliente o horário de volta para o hotel.
11h00 - Acordar e correr!
*Não estourem o horário do check-out, lembrem-se que vocês só fingem que são ricos!
13h00 - City tour com direito a vista panorâmica da humilde residência de Pumba através do janelão de Maria Mercedes (Timão, como já anteriormente afirmado, estará viajando com o grupo).
14h00 - Saída vitoriosa para São Paulo com direito a performance de Timão a la Priscila em cima de MM.
15h00 - Chegada a São Paulo com ânimo revigorado. Os viajantes têm a opção de visitar qualquer boteco refinado da cidade para estar continuando com a putaria e fazer o famoso momento “kiss’n'tell”, com os mesmos comentários sobra a viagem sendo obsessivamente repetidos por horas ad infinitum.

Salete Gottakunt (Jonas Beneditino da Silva).
V.P. of customer’s trip planning and satisfaction.
Queers and Half-Dykes on Their Way to Hell (QHDTWH) Tours
+55 (11) 6969-1124 - Se você é alto, bombado, dotado e não precisa de viagra, beijomeliga!

Comentarios da saude:
Morumbi/vitoria: sua vaca, nao era voce que tinha medo de dotados?
Diadema: prefiro nao falar nada, afinal vou ouvir “se liga vai”
Moema: sugiro que compre um figado e um par de pulmoes novos!

ai eu arrasoooooooooooo

em homenagem: it “don’t” matter if you are black or white!

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009

Are you free tonight?

And then we have all of our hormones; all of them shaking and cracking inside just waiting for the moment when they’ll be able to explode!

Naturally we are all different, we grew up in different families, that might have had a kind of influence in our way of “hunting”, furthermore that could explain a lot.

What we have to be concerned here is that I am not talking about loving somebody, or even close to that, just writing about the behavior each one of us have when we are about to hunt.

Let’s start:

1- 1- From a cute-poor-little-innocent country side boy to the very first slut in the group (although we have to admit that when Diadema is to be better, she does that gracefully). I’d rather be in Piracicaba, all of you know that… but as long as I am here, I needed to enjoy the party, and there’s nothing better than a big city to have some fun. I am not a professional hunter but I am not the kind of person who leaves a party alone as well. Thank God I have found somebody to hold me tight ( or jail me at home).

Examples of hunting: eye to eye, drinking makes people look better, the virtual way, flirting straightly, one night stand offers… well so on and so forth

2- 2 - A dignified-three-kids-mother almost modeled in the catholic way of life, which we could say it’s an example of immaculacy and innocence, but when we get to know her “better and deeper” she becomes the Chinese-female tiger that surely will give you the most entertaining night you’d ever have in your life, but be aware that she may not call you the next day, or for good girls like us are not this type. So, if you are looking for a delicious fuck without the commitment of dating or getting married just keep in touch but be sure you have more than 18 centimeters.

Examples of hunting: a slow motion twinkle while you drink your draft beer, virtual way, family hunting, charming way of asking a ride … well so on and so forth

3- 3 - A prototype of what a well raised girl should be, good schools, educated, huge knowledge (just smaller than her heart), well dressed, bilingual hunter, nowadays she is going through a low self esteem process, but I have seen her in action, and, oh yeah babe, she deserves to be in this “occidental geishas club”, she has been possessed by two at the same time ( ok, it was 2 fags, but whatever… I think the sound of possessed matches with Moema girl). Well, if you are in the mood for a romance blended with rock and some culture, send her an text message in her blackberry, she might be at any posh bar or fancy store, but if your invitation is pushier or fancier, you have a chance.

Examples of hunting: acknowledging rock stars, jumping over other people, showing her breasts, involving you in a long conversation at the bar … well so on and so forth

4- 4 - The I do not hook up boy, the snobbish lord who’ll just flirt if your nose is standing higher than his. If you are willing to have a cosmo and a conversation about any deep subject call him, because he won’t call you, he has a high price, he won’t leave his house unless your offer is as big as his ego, remember he is an old fashionable person, so a one night stand invitation won’t work out unless it’s a New York one night stand.

Examples of hunting: teasing you until you decide to tease him, going to a alternative movie theatre and to a café after, so on and so forth

So If you are feeling like your hormones are in the way I have described just send nudge, spray your best perfume, know your best speech by heart, fill your wallet ( dollars and pounds are advised) and be ready for fun, you’ll have a lot… delightfully … deeply…

Dear friends: Moema, Morumbi and Diadema, do you all feel like I am selling you? Cause I felt it…. Lololololololol

From your friend


sábado, 5 de setembro de 2009

Skypeing ... Why not!

I hope you don’t mind my mendling – that’s a statement we could never say we don’t say; don’t you dare using it with us.

All in all we have to admit it doesn’t matter being apart or not because every time we get together again everything comes back to us.

Although we fight, we discuss, we disagree… we are the same we’ve been in the same pace… we all desire to be happy, we all want to conquer our space, and the best part of all: we always find a way to be together, a way to share our lives.

I’ll not give up on my friendship on you due to small problems or due to worthless situations unless I really feel it’s time to, and even if this happen I’ll think twice cause I know it will be worthwhile.

Sharing lives the way we do is an atypical and not always correct thing to do however it has been helping us, and please let´s be honest with ourselves we all have to agree with it. We mendle in each others lives, we hurt ourselves, we say bad words but when it matter we are always there for each other and c’mom that’s the only point to which we should grasp.

Now we are all in different position, and fortunately or unfortunately we are all about to be together again, that will be another entertaining phase of our lives, it will be like coming back to the past but with the advantage of knowing certain things we didn’t back then and with a promising future ahead of us.

Yesterday was a scary conversation nevertheless a good one cause I learnt something important, the value of having people trusting on me and I really work harder to have it back

Living is like a classroom, we learn with our teachers but we learn much blood more with our FRIENDS, we get used of protecting each other it’s like skipping class together and calling each others parents finding the best excuse for us furthermore we are all adults now, at least when it matters… so this was the best way I fount to say,,, I care about you all, I want you all in my life no matter what… no matter if we came and go the only thing that really matters is knowing we have US.


Place: stickbar

Moema: Garçom….
Diadema: porque foram varias mancadas
Pça da arvore: na realidade eu discordo
Moema: Garçom….
Diadema: em que você discorda.
Pça da arvore: agora não me ocorre nada mas vou pensar
Moema: Garçom… garçom… garçom…..

Pra historia:
Moço você tem um furinho no queixo…
nossa vc tem uma tatuagem….
ahh é o nome da sua filha…
quer fazer uma filha em mim????