quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

Back to the school!

Remember those bloody days at school, when we had to copy things from the board and put up with boring teacher, and we knew that we’d never use nothing they were teaching during our lives? Well let’s check some points.

Among all the things I learnt one of them I most like are the Newton’s 3 laws.

Lets talk a little about it in our routine:


An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Obviously we might call “unbalanced force” anything, what is awesome cause we might have a friend who sees us stopped, or even worst, going down like to an endless edge, and so we are saved cause this friend´s strength might change somebody’s life. We are not “objects” as Newton’s statements, but most of the time we act like being. We could use the same statement negatively now, imagine the following situation:

Workplace, people full of their boss, not earning money, totally unhappy. All the things would stay the same, God knows until when, if a person wouldn’t appear and say: Enough, Fuck you guy, I want you to be out of here.

Well, conclusion: Newton was right at first.


The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Ok, I know too much for too little! Translation, if you are going down and you permit yourself being embraced by somebody’s energy or strength you tend to follow this person’s direction. So you’d better grasp in your friends and leave the depression. That’s what we do we base our success on each other, so we should be well succeed now, right? Almost right, the only thing we need to remember is that if we have somebody into the group who put us down we might be embraced by this person to, so solution:

- kill this person (petty, but no),

- changing the group ( do we want?),

- changing this person mind ( does it happen in Uberlandia?)

- getting back to a time when we were happy (too obvious)

Well, conclusion: Newton was right again.

Third: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This is my favorite, it’s something like: if you really want to go into a war, be ready. We are all calm, relaxed, we live like in a “peace and love” community (obviously we accept some facilities and warm shower, there’s nothing better than delivery and internet access) but once we are nudged by an different force we just have an amazing behavior we get together all the pieces of the group and we fight together.

So this is the only part I disagree with Newton, maybe because he should be so genius that he might not have had friends at that time, well whatever. I’d write:

For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction from all the friends!

Well that’s it, all in all I disliked Newton that time, and what is sadder, I keep my mind about him, but there’s something I can’t deny…: he as write, don’t you think?

Well babies, hope you to have a great day. Full of pink brightening light…


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