sábado, 5 de setembro de 2009

Skypeing ... Why not!

I hope you don’t mind my mendling – that’s a statement we could never say we don’t say; don’t you dare using it with us.

All in all we have to admit it doesn’t matter being apart or not because every time we get together again everything comes back to us.

Although we fight, we discuss, we disagree… we are the same we’ve been in the same pace… we all desire to be happy, we all want to conquer our space, and the best part of all: we always find a way to be together, a way to share our lives.

I’ll not give up on my friendship on you due to small problems or due to worthless situations unless I really feel it’s time to, and even if this happen I’ll think twice cause I know it will be worthwhile.

Sharing lives the way we do is an atypical and not always correct thing to do however it has been helping us, and please let´s be honest with ourselves we all have to agree with it. We mendle in each others lives, we hurt ourselves, we say bad words but when it matter we are always there for each other and c’mom that’s the only point to which we should grasp.

Now we are all in different position, and fortunately or unfortunately we are all about to be together again, that will be another entertaining phase of our lives, it will be like coming back to the past but with the advantage of knowing certain things we didn’t back then and with a promising future ahead of us.

Yesterday was a scary conversation nevertheless a good one cause I learnt something important, the value of having people trusting on me and I really work harder to have it back

Living is like a classroom, we learn with our teachers but we learn much blood more with our FRIENDS, we get used of protecting each other it’s like skipping class together and calling each others parents finding the best excuse for us furthermore we are all adults now, at least when it matters… so this was the best way I fount to say,,, I care about you all, I want you all in my life no matter what… no matter if we came and go the only thing that really matters is knowing we have US.


Place: stickbar

Moema: Garçom….
Diadema: porque foram varias mancadas
Pça da arvore: na realidade eu discordo
Moema: Garçom….
Diadema: em que você discorda.
Pça da arvore: agora não me ocorre nada mas vou pensar
Moema: Garçom… garçom… garçom…..

Pra historia:
Moço você tem um furinho no queixo…
nossa vc tem uma tatuagem….
ahh é o nome da sua filha…
quer fazer uma filha em mim????

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